Commission a Portrait

Linocut Portrait by Sara Norquay
Commission Form
Contact Sara at:

What you will get for $200:

A photoshoot to take the photograph that Sara will use to create the 12 x 12 inch original linocut portrait. Choice of colour and paper. At least two copies of the print for $200. Additional prints to be negotiated.

What Sara will do:

Photograph the subject giving you several photographs to choose from. You will decide which photos will be used to create the linocut print. She will keep the plate and will only exhibit the resulting piece with your permission. She will not sell it to anyone else but you. (There can be some flexibility with the photo choice if you want an existing photograph used.)

If the end result is not what you want you are under no obligation to pay for it.

The artist expects freedom to make all creative decisions once the photograph(s) have been chosen. She will also carefully listen to and try to address any ideas you have before starting.

Name: _____________________________________________________________

Email: ______________________________________________________________

Postal Address:________________________________________________________


Linocut Portrait by Sara Norquay

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